Lindee Alvarez is excited to serve as the 2023-2024 president-elect of the Student Academy of Audiology. During the 2022-2023 school year, Lindee served as the Texas State Ambassador, public outreach committee volunteer, and president of her local SAA chapter. She has been involved with SAA since 2019. Lindee plans to work with the SAA board of directors to plan events that are engaging for both undergraduate and graduate students. Additionally, Lindee hopes to work with local SAA chapters to increase student involvement in advocacy efforts.

Lindee is a third-year AuD student and first-year PhD student at the University of Texas at Dallas. She earned her undergraduate degree in communicative disorders from California State University, Los Angeles. Her audiology interests include underserved communities, global health, hearing aids, and vestibular assessment. In her free time, you can find Lindee reading, attending a workout class, or cheering for her favorite team, the Los Angeles Dodgers.