The American Academy of Audiology Foundation’s Continued Achievement Scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded to two students who show exceptional promise as a clinical audiologist as evidenced by the student’s resume, rubric, and personal statement. The Continued Achievement Scholarship Program is generously sponsored by AudiologyOnline.
Eligibility Requirements
The Continued Achievement Scholarship will be awarded only to fulltime graduate students in audiology (AuD, PhD, AuD/PhD) in good standing at a U.S. university during the 2024–2025 academic year. Applicants cannot graduate in Spring/Summer 2025.
How to Apply
The AAA Foundation is offering a universal scholarship for each of its scholarship program opportunities. When using the universal application, applicants must be aware of the following:
- Read the directions of the application carefully and completely. Any questions about the application can be directed to AAA Foundation staff.
- Each scholarship program opportunity has an individual section to complete in addition to submission of required supporting documentation. The following supporting documentation must be uploaded and included in the universal application online to be considered complete for this scholarship program:
- CV/Resume – Include audiology related research and clinical experience as well as academic and audiology volunteer (i.e. service) experience. Also include grade point average along with the university’s grading scale (i.e., 3.5 with maximum possible of 4 or 3.9 with maximum possible of 5). Students at a University with pass/fail grading, please include an additional letter from your program director regarding your academic standing. CV/Resume should be no more than 2-3 pages. CV/Resume must be uploaded to the application as part of the supporting documentation requirements. For an example of a CV/Resume, please visit the Academy's website. Accepted file formats are PDF, DOC, and DOCX.
- Recommendation Rubric – Download the recommendation rubric for a qualified individual (clinical supervisor, professor, mentor/advisor, employer, etc.) to fill out. The individual you select to complete this form should be able to speak to your work ethic, clinical skill set, and professionalism. For clinical scholarships, it is recommended that students select a clinical supervisor if possible. Please note that incomplete recommendation forms may result in a lower final score of the scholarship application. Completed rubrics must be uploaded to the application as part of the supporting documentation requirements. Accepted file formats is PDF.
- Personal Statement – As part of this scholarship program, applicants are expected to answer the following question for the personal statement section:
- Describe qualities you believe are characteristic of an outstanding audiologist and discuss your personal goals for becoming a clinician and the impact your work will have on a patient’s quality of life. Without violating patient confidentiality, describe a specific situation in which you feel that your patient-focused skills were particularly beneficial for your patient, and also reflect on ways in which your patient-focused skills in this situation could have been improved. (750 words maximum)
Applicants must also acknowledge and agree to the individual scholarship program eligibility requirements they are applying to as well as the general AAA Foundation scholarship program policies in order to submit an application. Failure to do so will result in the application not being accepted/reviewed.
Applicants may return to their applications from the same device at a later time if left incomplete, however; incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications must be completed by the scholarship application deadline, Tuesday, April 30, 2025.