The American Academy of Audiology Foundation’s SAA Student Leader Scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded to a student who shows exceptional leadership in service to the profession of audiology.
Eligibility Requirements
The SAA Student Leader Scholarship will be awarded only to a fulltime graduate student in audiology (AuD, PhD, AuD/PhD) in good standing at a U.S. university during the 2020–2021 academic year and will not be graduating in December 2020. Each department may nominate one student for this scholarship.
How to Apply
Applicants are required to submit the following:
- Completed application (Attached)
- Resume/CV: Include accomplishments in the following areas: leadership and service activities as well as clinical and research activities. Please include your grade point average, as well as the university’s grading scale (i.e., 3.5 with maximum possible of 4 or 3.9 with maximum possible of 5).
- Personal statement: Describe a leadership role that you have taken in an activity that has made an impact on the audiology profession. This may have been via involvement with national SAA, local SAA, your university program, or via another mechanism. Additionally, please describe how you propose to contribute to the audiology profession in the future. (750 words maximum). (750 words maximum)
- Letter of recommendation from university SAA advisor (preferred) or department chair. Must address:
- how long the writer has known the applicant and the nature of the relationship with the applicant.
- the qualities, particularly with respect to patient-focused skills, that provided the basis for this candidate being nominated by the department.
- how the applicant’s clinical ability compares to other students whom the writer has known at the same stage of the clinical program.
- ability to apply academic coursework in clinical situations.