During the spring of 2018, a group of friends who are all members of the American Academy of Audiology, sat around a table in a Scottsdale restaurant, enjoying a fun night of fine food and wine, when the discussion of cookbooks came up. Following another round or two of wine, we agreed to create a fun new cookbook, “ . . . of, by, and for audiologists,” the sale of which would benefit the many audiology programs of the AAA Foundation.
Before the evening was over, a cookbook committee was formed and plans were agreed upon to have this unique cookbook ready for the AAA 2019 in Columbus, Ohio. Further, the committee members agreed to fully underwrite all costs of the cookbook in order that 100% of all sales proceeds would go directly to the American Academy of Audiology Foundation.
In this distinctive cookbook, titled How to Eat Like an Audiologist…Say the Word “Cookbook,” you will find audiologist’s favorite recipes for breakfasts, appetizers and beverages, soups and salads, main dishes, side dishes, and desserts as well as slices of life and insights into their cooking styles.
The result is a home-cooking, entertaining cookbook like no other, with interesting recipes and notes from such legendary hearing heroes such as Raymond Carhart, Georg von Bekesy, Marion Downs, the KEMAR, and many other leaders in today’s audiology field.
Get your copy of the cookbook for a $25 donation to the AAA Foundation at the Academy Store.
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