Get the latest information and resources on top advocacy initiatives and coding and reimbursement updates. AAA 2024 sessions and activities will connect you with knowledgeable experts, resources and tools for your practice, and how you can get involved and make a difference.
Medicare Quality Payment Program MIPS Reporting Requirements
Presented by Deborah Carlson, AuD; Tracy Murphy, AuD; and Debra Abel, AuD
Thursday, April 18, 8:00–9:00 am
Updates will be provided on current program parameters, pathways for participation, changes in MIPS reporting requirements for audiologists, and how an audiologist can determine if participation is required.
Why Code Development Matters to Audiology Practice
Presented by Kadyn Williams, AuD; Denise Garris, AuD; Paul Pessis, AuD; Eric Miller, AuD; and Annette Burton, AuD
Thursday, April 18, 12:30–1:30 pm
Whether in private practice or part of a large health system, procedural codes matter to bill effectively and be reimbursed for the services you perform. Meet with the Academy practice policy team to learn the steps involved and how to become an active contributor.
Audiology Advocacy in Action (Parts 1 and 2)
Presented by Jodi Baxter, AuD; Vivianne Cisneros Wersel, AuD; and Tracy Murphy, AuD
Thursday, April 18, 1:45–2:15 pm (Part 1)
Join seasoned advocates from the Academy volunteer leadership to learn strategies for being effective in individual-level grassroots efforts. Role-playing opportunities and other communication exercises will offer a fun, casual environment for building and strengthening advocacy skills.
Friday, April 19, 1:30–2:00 pm (Part 2)
Seasoned advocates within the Academy’s Advocacy Council will continue to help participants pick up tips and strategies for being effective in their grassroots efforts.
Coding and Reimbursement in Review: 2023-2024
Presented by Anna Jilla, AuD, and Mariah Cheyney, AuD
Thursday, April 18, 2:30–4:00 pm
Explore updates on the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, limited direct access provisions, new CPT codes for auditory osseointegrated devices, and changes in the Medicare Quality Payment Program.
Snack and Chat to Support PAC ($)
Thursday, April 18, 7:00–9:00 pm
Join us at the Omni for a networking event hosted by the Academy’s Political Action Committee (PAC). Enjoy appetizers and beverages while discussing advocacy strategies and government relations priorities with key leaders. All funds raised will support hearing health care and audiology champions in Congress. Open exclusively to U.S. Academy members.
Protecting Audiology Scope of Practice State-by-State
Presented by Tracy Murphy, AuD; Adam Mehlenbacher, AuD; Tina Stern, AuD; Lee Cottrell, AuD; and Susan Pilch, JD
Friday, April 19, 12:15–1:30 pm
Audiologists must defend against scope limitations and attempts by less educated individuals to expand services, addressing organized medicine’s campaign; this session discusses incidents in select states, emphasizing the importance of monitoring threats within broader legislative efforts.
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