Welcome members of the media and press. We are excited to have you participate in our upcoming conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Registration and Housing
Press registration is free for most educational sessions and events at AAA 2025.
Please complete the press verification form. Once reviewed and approved, we will respond to you with a conference registration code.
Press Guidelines
The following event press guidelines have been adopted as protocol by leadership of the American Academy of Audiology. Members of the press found in violation of these guidelines will immediately be dismissed from the Academy event they are attending.
- The Academy reserves the right to limit access to Academy-sponsored meetings and events.
- Media representatives must register with the Academy and must provide identification before receiving a meeting press pass. Acceptable identification will include driver’s license with a business card, letter of assignment, and/or samples of published works.
- The Academy limits two press registrations per publication or organization.
- Exhibitors and representative firms may not display or distribute promotional or press materials in Academy-sponsored press rooms/centers unless previously approved by communications department.
- Advertising, sales, public relations, and marketing representatives will not be registered as press. Any individual with a press badge who sells, markets or represents a company for the purpose of obtaining advertising or subscriptions from any registrant or exhibitor or who violates any other Academy rules and regulations immediately forfeits press credentials.
- Media representatives with only press registration are allowed in the exhibit hall, the general assembly, receptions and special events (some require payment), and educational sessions but cannot earn CEUs for their attendance at AAA 2025. If they wish to earn CEUs, they must purchase an applicable attendee registration.
- Live broadcasts from continuing education courses and any other Academy event may not occur without written consent from the senior director of communications.
- Filming, photographing, and live broadcasting of any kind on exhibit floors at Academy meetings is allowed only at the discretion of the senior director of communications.
- Camera crews and photographers will always be escorted by Academy communications staff.