Nineteen PASC Exam candidates successfully tested in May 2022 using the American Board of Audiology (ABA) new online testing platform with live, remote proctors. This new testing option allows for more flexible testing times and location for each exam candidate.
Since 2011, the exam was administered by paper and pencil on 16 occasions, often at the Academy annual conference or a sponsoring children’s hospital. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ABA began offering the PASC exam in multiple locations over a two-week testing window following the cancellation of the Academy annual conference in 2020. The increase in applications and exam registrations in 2021 confirmed the need for greater flexibility in testing times and locations. This demand warranted the transition to online test delivery in 2022. Today, applicants are able to take the exam in the comfort of their home or office at a time of their choosing using live, remote proctors that provide assistance and maintain the integrity of the exam administration.
Applications for PASC can be submitted throughout the year and, once approved, eligibility to test is good for five years. Applications for those who want to take the spring 2023 exam must be submitted by March 14, 2023. Registration for the spring 2023 exam will be open from January 10–April 11, 2023 and exams can be scheduled anytime during the May 8–22, 2023 testing window.
The ABA website and PASC Candidate Handbook have been updated with all necessary information regarding the application and registration process, as well as the steps required after registration to schedule and prepare for the online exam.
If you primarily practice pediatric audiology, now is the best time to apply for the PASC credential and join 125 other credentialed pediatric audiologists.
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