Steve Madix, PhD, is an associate professor of audiology at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana, where he is also the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) chapter advisor. Dr. Madix is a graduate of the 2014 Jerger Future Leaders of Audiology Conference (JFLAC). He is the founding president and current executive director of the Louisiana Academy of Audiology (LAA) as well as the is the founding chair of the Future Leaders of Audiology Student Conference (FLASC), which is co-hosted by the Texas Academy of Audiology (TAA).
He has been very active in the Academy having served on many committees and the immediate past chair of the Student Academy of Audiology Advisory Committee (SAAAC), which serves as the national advisor for the SAA. Dr. Madix is a past site visitor for the Council of Academic Accreditation for Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (CAA) as well as a council member.