Dogs have a reputation for being human’s best friend. If you have ever had one as a pet, you know that they can be a loyal companion. Maybe even a trusted confidante?
You may have tried training your dog to follow basic commands like “sit” and “stay.” Have you ever noticed though that some dogs are better at following their owner’s commands than others? Or that their ability to follow their owner’s commands can vary depending on the situation? For instance, they may be better following the command “sit” when at home with just their owner versus out at the busy (and noisy) dog park that they are visiting for the first time.
Are you curious as to why that might be? If so, you may want to read an article on the topic in Discover Magazine (Phelan, 2023). If you are interested in learning even more about your furry canine companion, the electronic article also provides links to other articles related to dogs and their relationships with humans. You can access the article in the reference below.
Phelan J. (2023) Do dogs have selective hearing? Discover Magazine (accessed March 4, 2023).
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