In his 20 years in the profession, Dr. David Baguley has been extremely prolific with over 100 peer-reviewed publications, 2 books, and 9 book chapters in almost all aspects of audiology. He has given over 100 presentations to audiences all over the world. His work in tinnitus was most recently honored as the invited 2005 Tonndorf Lecturer at the VIII International Tinnitus Seminar. Beyond his research and academic credits, Dr. Baguley was instrumental in forming the International Committee of the American Academy of Audiology and served as its co-chair for three years. He is a founding member of the British Audiologic Academy. One of his most notable professional achievements has been his involvement in changing the service delivery in the United Kingdom that places audiologists and nurse practitioners as the gatekeepers to hearing healthcare. His clinical, research, and service contributions have had tremendous impact on audiology not only in the United Kingdom but on the profession as a whole, and for this, he is most worthy of this recognition.