Dr. Jennifer E. Weber has made significant contributions to the field of audiology through her dedication and focus on excellence as an educator, clinical supervisor, and mentor of audiology students. Dr. Weber serves as program coordinator for the audiology speech-language sciences department for the University of Northern Colorado. She has successfully integrated her robust teaching and research interests to prepare her students in amplification, diagnostic audiology, aural rehabilitation, pediatric assessment and habilitation. In addition, she has provided her students with rare opportunities in the unique field of animal audiology. By collaborating with colleagues, they established UNC’s Facility for Education and Testing of Canine Hearing and Laboratory for Animal Bioacoustics (FETCHLAB™) in 2014 and then developed UNC’s Animal Audiology Graduate Certificate Program in 2015.
Dr. Weber was instrumental in developing and implementing the doctor of audiology program at UNC. She has received recognitions such as Favorite Professor and First Year Scholars Outstanding Faculty. Her classroom teaching evaluations and personal communications acknowledge the passion, inspiration, and influence her teaching has on the audiology profession.
While her personal research has consistently produced high-quality results, she has always sought to share her research zest and experience with her students. Her colleagues and students consider Dr. Weber to be the ultimate professional and role model, as she’s challenged her students in 39 thesis and capstone committees. The capstone of one of those students yielded a paper that earned Hearing Review’s “Editor’s Top 10 Picks for Best Articles in 2015.” That former student enthusiastically contributed to Dr. Weber’s nomination packet with the quote: Dr. Weber “challenged me to think outside the box and beyond the text book. She encouraged me to ask questions that were bold and significant. Her knowledge and dedication as an educator and research advisor inspired me as a student and sculpted me into the audiologist I am today.”
As the chapter advisor for her university’s student audiology and speech-language pathology organization, Dr. Weber has also encouraged her students to prepare themselves for professional roles in audiology by fostering involvement in local, state, and national student audiology organizations. She models such commitments through her own activities outside of the university, including multiple leadership positions at the Colorado Speech-Language-Hearing Association and Colorado Academy of Audiology.
Obviously, Dr. Weber demonstrates the model of excellence in teaching. She has truly left an impact on the field of audiology by coaching audiologists to be the best they can be and then continue to share passion for excellence throughout their entire careers. The American Academy of Audiology is pleased to bestow its 2018 Outstanding Educator Award to Jennifer E. Weber AuD, in recognition of her significant contributions to the field of audiology as an educator and mentor of audiology students.