By Sarah Sydlowski
This article is a part of the May/June 2018, Volume 30, Number 3, Audiology Today issue.
Thirty years ago, Rick Talbott facilitated a miniseminar session on the future of audiology. Reflections from American Academy of Audiology (AAA) founders involved in that meeting were published recently in Audiology Today (Fabry, 2018). The article reviewed how and why that miniseminar came to be and described the subsequent inception and development of the American Academy of Audiology. For anyone not there at that session, having the opportunity to read about the motivation, foresight, and raw determination of audiologists at the time to break with tradition and forge a new path is inspiring.
Audiologists banded together for a common purpose. Dr. Talbott recalled “the enthusiasm, dedication, and personal sacrifice of time and energy that so many folks gave to the cause, including many volunteers for the exponentially expanding needs of the new organization.” Because of the commitment, dedication, and grassroots efforts of many, the future of audiology changed.
In the 30 years that have passed, the profession of audiology has strengthened and continues to develop. The AuD degree became a reality. Partner organizations focused on accreditation, certification, and student development. Advocacy efforts and visibility in Washington continue to increase. The American Academy of Audiology is now nearly 12,000 members strong, and has scraped and clawed its way into the position of a respected representative for the issues of audiologists. Yet audiology again finds itself at a crossroads, and conversations frequently turn to the future of the profession in the face of disruption of hearing technology, continued challenges with low reimbursement, and ongoing questions surrounding the quality of audiology education.
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