The Academy, along with the National Rural Health Association and organizations representing physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, and speech-language pathology, submitted a letter to congressional leaders requesting a federal appropriation to support the allied health workforce by funding the recently enacted Allied Health Workforce Diversity Act (AHWD).
The AHWD Act was included in a large legislative package that was signed into law at the end of 2022; however, the requisite funding amount (eight million) necessary to implement the provisions was not included.
This federal appropriation is needed in order for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide scholarships and stipends to accredited higher education programs to recruit qualified individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, including persons with disabilities, students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and racial and ethnic minorities. Supporting this critical workforce program will help strengthen and expand the comprehensive use of evidence-based strategies shown to increase the recruitment, enrollment, retention, and graduation of students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds. These strategies include outreach to the community, creating or expanding mentorship and tutoring programs, and providing scholarships and stipends to students.
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