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Julie Honaker, PhD
Kathleen Muhvic, AuD
Evalena Behr, AuD
Tamara Francini, AuD

CEUs: 0.1 AAA/Tier 1
Duration: 60 minutes
Instructional Level: Intermediate
Program Focus: Knowledge


Selecting vestibular assessment tests should be based on medical necessity and answering clinically based questions related to individual patient symptoms, past medical history, and signs. This intermediate presentation will provide an overview of evidence-based test selection and best-practice protocols in the assessment of patients with vestibular-related symptoms. This will be displayed through a series of clinical vignettes highlighting current vestibular testing trends and best practice guidelines.

Learning Outcomes:

1. To choose appropriate test measures based on patient symptomatology and clinical hypotheses.

2. To describe clinical decision-making approaches for vestibular testing protocol development.

3. To apply tailored vestibular test battery approaches through a series of clinical vignettes.

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September 11, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT




Julie Honaker, PhD
Kathleen Muhvic, AuD
Evalena Behr, AuD
Tamara Francini, AuD

CEUs: 0.1 AAA/Tier 1
Duration: 60 minutes
Instructional Level: Intermediate
Program Focus: Knowledge


Selecting vestibular assessment tests should be based on medical necessity and answering clinically based questions related to individual patient symptoms, past medical history, and signs. This intermediate presentation will provide an overview of evidence-based test selection and best-practice protocols in the assessment of patients with vestibular-related symptoms. This will be displayed through a series of clinical vignettes highlighting current vestibular testing trends and best practice guidelines.

Learning Outcomes:

1. To choose appropriate test measures based on patient symptomatology and clinical hypotheses.

2. To describe clinical decision-making approaches for vestibular testing protocol development.

3. To apply tailored vestibular test battery approaches through a series of clinical vignettes.

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