The American Academy of Audiology (the Academy) Coding and Reimbursement Committee (CRC) compiled the chart listed below of State Medicaid contact information. Members can access the chart on the page or download it by clicking "Access Chart." The chart is meant to facilitate member contact with their State Medicaid plan. The CRC hopes this chart will be a useful reference tool to provide an initial contact number for audiologists, contact information for State Medicaid program trainers, as well as links to State Medicaid program fee schedules and provider manuals. We also note if each program covers the VEMP and AEP codes implemented in January 2021. The Academy has conducted outreach to each State Medicaid plan to provide the rationale for coverage for the new AEP codes. As of this writing, we are preparing similar outreach to States that do not cover the VEMP codes.
Please note: this chart does not include information for Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. We will update the chart as information is gathered.
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