As a new professional, having a strong resume can mean the difference between a job you like and a job you love. We all have experience with similar areas of audiology like hearing aids, vestibular, or pediatrics. But what makes you unique? Did you complete a research fellowship? Participate in a hearing mission? Or is there something else you did recently that makes you stand out? Regardless of what it is, below are a few tips to help your resume go from a draft to professionally polished in no time!
Revise Your Resume
As with any paper or article, make sure spelling and grammar are correct. If a hiring manager is reviewing your resume with spelling errors, it can appear unprofessional. Also, make sure your experiences do the talking rather than graphics, odd fonts, or color.
Review Your Resume
Have someone, such as the Academy’s Resume Review Subcommittee or a peer, look at all your application materials – resume, cover letter, even thank you notes – before submitting. They will check for spelling errors, professional jargon, formatting, and any other errors commonly seen in the field.
Post Your Resume
Audiology is a smaller field and organizations searching for employees will often ask their network of peers if they know anyone first. Aside from updating your LinkedIn profile, another opportunity to be proactive in your job search is to create a job seeker profile on HEARCareers, a job board focused solely on audiology opportunities. Creating a profile and posting your resume on HEARCareers makes you visible to employers actively searching for their next job candidate!
Having your resume or CV prepared in advanced will make it easier to apply to the positions you want when it becomes available. Keeping it updated after you get a job will help you be prepared for unexpected opportunities. Happy searching!
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