The American Academy of Audiology has expressed its opposition to Illinois HB 3102 that would create a new licensure category for audiology assistants and would allow proof of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) certification as an audiology assistant as a pathway to such licensure.
The American Academy of Audiology does not see a necessity for state licensing of audiology assistants since these individuals should only work under the supervision of a state-licensed audiologist. The creation of a separate state licensure category for these types of support personnel is not necessary to protect consumer health and safety and would impose additional costs to the state and actual practitioners.
The duties and responsibilities of audiology assistants should be delegated only by supervising audiologists and the supervising audiologist should assume the legal and ethical responsibilities of all assigned activities that the audiology assistant provides. A less burdensome and low- cost alternative to licensure would be registration for audiology assistants.
The Academy also expressed general concern about the inclusion of any private certification as a pathway to state licensure. Read more…
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