Do you have patients who use adult day service centers? Lendon and Singh (2021) analyzed data from the National Study of Long-Term Care providers to determine the characteristics of those who used adult service centers in 2018.
A plurality of individuals who made use of these facilities were non-Hispanic white (45 percent), female (57 percent), and younger than age 65 (39 percent). Over half (64 percent) needed help with three or more activities of daily living, with most needing help with bathing, followed by dressing, and then walking.
Almost three-quarters of individuals using adult service centers received Medicaid benefits. Additional details regarding these consumers may be found in the data brief.
Lendon J, Singh P. (2021) Adult day services center participant characteristics: United States, 2018. NCHS Data Brief no 411. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. DOI:10.15620/cdc:106697.
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