Dr. Harry Levitt’s career epitomizes the intent of the Jerger Career Award for Research in Audiology. He has a distinguished publication record with almost 150 articles in the most prestigious journals, more than 30 book chapters and 5 books. His research has advanced our knowledge and clinical applications in the areas of digital signal processing, computer simulations of speech, visual speech cues, and assisted adaptive testing. His work in adaptive methodology, presented in his 1971 paper Transformed up-down methods in psychoacoustics (JASA) laid the foundation for the adaptive test method still used today. His pioneering work in digital signal processing resulted in the development of the first digital hearing aid reported in his 1982 paper An array-processor computer hearing aid. While he receives the highest praise for his research, he receives equally high praise for his unusual spirit of intellectual generosity and kindness to his fellow scientists, colleagues, and students. Perhaps one of his greatest legacies to the profession will be his students, who hold him with such high regard for teaching them to think like scientists! Dr. Harry Levitt has dedicated his life to reducing or alleviating the impact of hearing loss on individuals through his research, his teaching, and his service.