By A.U. Bankaitis Smith, PhD
Thank you all for your understanding and patience given the cancellation of AAA 2020 + HearTECH Expo in New Orleans. Here’s an update on a few items that we are addressing in the next few weeks.
Educational Programming
The AAA 2020 Program Committee and staff will be working to repurpose AAA 2020 content into online educational opportunities for you…very soon. We are looking to include several of the Grand Round Sessions, Featured Sessions, coding and reimbursement updates, and others as eAudiology web seminars for easy access to you at home. We hope to roll out this programming to you in the next month. Please stay tuned for more!
Conference Refunds
As many of you have already received communications from the Academy about refund options, you will soon receive an email from Experient, our housing and registration company, that will allow you to select your option for refund: a full refund or an educational donation to the AAA Foundation for future educational programming. Please note that your hotel reservations have already been cancelled and you should be receiving confirmation of those cancellations this week and next.
Save the Date for AAA 2021 + HearTECH Expo in Denver
Mark your calendars for Denver, April 14-17, 2021. Call for abstracts will open in August and registration will open for members in November. We cannot wait to reconnect and reenergize with you!
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