By Angela Shoup, PhD, President, American Academy of Audiology, and
Hope Gillison, AuD, AAA 2021 Program Chair, and Erin Miller, AuD, Virtual Subcommittee Chair
(February 3, 2021)
ANGELA: At this time of year I start getting excited about the AAA Annual Conference. It is always a wonderful opportunity to learn about the latest and greatest in our profession, explore new technologies, be challenged in my thinking, reconnect with friends, and make new friends, among other attractions. I am particularly excited about this year’s event, AAA 2021 Virtual, April 14-16.
As I am a quote nerd, one I saw the other day certainly applies to the outstanding conference being planned this year, “And suddenly, you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings…”
I have invited Hope Gillison, AuD, chair of the 2021 AAA Program Committee, and Erin Miller, AuD, chair of the Virtual Subcommittee, to join me today to talk about the magic being planned for AAA 2021 Virtual.
Thank you, Hope and Erin for joining us today.
Hope, Can you tell our members a little about innovations planned for AAA 2021 Virtual?
HOPE: Absolutely! Planning AAA 2021 Virtual has been exciting and challenging at the same time. We had so many wonderful educational submissions and, as always, we wish we could accept them all.
The program team has chosen a very diverse program. Each attendee will be able to choose the sessions they want to attend and if you miss one, it is okay. They are recorded and available on-demand for 30 days following the conference.
This year attendees will have topics such as early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI), pediatric balance, cognitive health, tinnitus, amplification, cochlear implants, and much more.
We also have five exhibit halls with over 70 exhibitors. As an attendee, you will be able to explore and interact live with a multitude of exhibitors and with our amazing sponsors. I hope everyone is as excited as we are about this conference. It is going to be a really great educational experience.
ANGELA: That sounds wonderful and I cannot wait to experience it!
Erin, many look forward to interaction with presenters, industry experts, and with colleagues near and far…can you tell us more about any networking or fun activities that are being planned for the conference.
ERIN: I’d love to Angela. We have nine interactive lounges planned to allow attendees to dialogue with presenters and colleagues on topics of interest. A few topics include ongoing state issues, with updates about the state compact; continuing the important dialogue about inclusion and diversity; coding and reimbursement updates; a lounge dedicated to new professionals; and so many more. Check out the schedule so you don’t miss an opportunity to mingle with your colleagues.
On Wednesday night, the AAA Foundation is planning a FUN-raiser with an interactive Trivia Night. Bring your favorite beverage and challenge your mind as you support your Foundation!
The Academy’s Political Action Committee (PAC) has a winetasting event scheduled for Thursday evening. I’m excited to attend and learn about different wines, all while having a few drinks with my colleagues to unwind from the days’ events.
We are so excited for everyone to experience this first full virtual AAA conference, and I want to thank Hope and the virtual subcommittee members for their work to make the educational content so rich and diverse!
I want to express my appreciation to you, the staff, and the many volunteers who have worked to bring this innovative and content rich experience to our members. Registration is open and I cannot wait to attend!
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