
JFLAC helps build future leaders in audiology.

JFLAC 2024 took place in-person at the Academy headquarters in Reston, Virginia, September 12-14, 2024. The James Jerger Future Leaders of Audiology Conference (JFLAC) provides an abundance of opportunities to its selected attendees. From the development of leadership skills and gaining confidence in oneself to the creation of long-term relationships and networking opportunities, JFLAC attendees will benefit for years to come. The Academy is committed to increasing the awareness and participation of a diverse group of applicants in the 2024 Jerger Future Leaders of Audiology Conference (JFLAC) and beyond.

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Congratulations to the JFLAC Class of 2024

Erica Bennett, AuD, PhD

See Bio

Chelsea Byard, AuD

See Bio

Emily Ellis, AuD

See Bio

Sarah Grinn, AuD, PhD

See Bio

Bridget Shanahan Herrick, AuD, PASC, ABA Certified

See Bio
Anna Jilla

Anna M. Jilla, AuD, PhD

See Bio

Jamie Marotto, AuD

See Bio

Patricia Mazzullo, AuD

See Bio

Sara Misurelli, AuD, PhD

See Bio

Tina Penman, AuD

See Bio

Anu Prasad S. Nair, PhD

See Bio

Emily Jo Venskytis, AuD, ABA Certified

See Bio

JFLAC 2024 Schedule of Events


Day One: Thursday, September 12

Time Topic Presenter
8:00-8:30am Welcome and Group Introductions Bopanna Ballachanda, PhD
Academy President
8:30-11:00am Review Agenda, History of JFLAC, Perspectives of Past JFLACers with Story Time Activity Virginia Milne, AuD
Devon Weist, AuD
11:00-11:15am Break
11:15am-12:15pm Overview of the Academy:Mission, Core Values, Councils, and Organizational Structure Patrick Gallagher, MBA
Executive Director
12:15-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-3:00pm Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) Review and Activity Sarah Sydlowski, AuD, PhD, MBA
3:00-3:15pm Break
3:15-3:45pm Developing a Culture of Giving: AAA Foundation Review Tricia Scaglione, AuD
3:45-5:15pm Five Things that Keep Audiologists Up at Night Sarah Sydlowski, AuD, PhD, MBA
Patrick Gallagher, MBA
Devon Weist, AuD
5:15-6:00pm Travel to Dinner
6:00pm Dinner

Day Two: Friday, September 13

Time Topic Presenter
8:00-8:15am Review Agenda

Regrouping from Day 1

Rachael Sifuentes, MA, CAE
Devon Weist, AuD
8:15-10:00am Advocacy and Outreach Updates and Activity Jodi Baxter, AuD
10:00-10:15am Break
10:15am-12:00pm Closing the Research-to-Practice Gap Through Implementation Science Discussion on Clinical Practice Guidelines, Expert Consensus Statements, and Position Statement Ursula Findlen, PhD
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-2:30pm Building Your Team: Cohesiveness, Inclusivity, and Curiosity Kwame Curtis, AuD
2:30-2:45pm Break
2:45-4:00pm Embedding Leadership in Your Career Trajectory Hilary Steele, AuD
4:00-5:00pm Putting Core Values into Action: PAC and Academy Involvement Melissa Heche, AuD
5:15-6:00pm Travel to Dinner
6:00pm Dinner

Day Three: Saturday, September 14

8:00am-1:00pm DiSC Analysis Janice Coe, PCC (Coach Certification Training Academy)
1:00-2:00pm Working Lunch: Where Do We Go From Here? Devon Weist, AuD

Why Attend JFLAC?


"My favorite parts were the OKR discussion, SWOT discussion, and DISC exercise/discussion. The briefs on different entities within AAA were all also very beneficial. Fantastic 3 days with all kinds of things I took away from it to improvement myself as an audiologist and leader as well as motivation to contribute to academy in various ways."

Kyle Shepard, AuD
JFLAC Class of 2022
Maria Pomponio, AuD

JFLAC has proven successful.

JFLAC has been highly successful, with more than 95 percent of the attendees taking on leadership roles in the Academy and other audiology organizations. JFLAC graduates have served as Academy committee chairs, council chairs, members of the Board of Directors of Academy partner organizations, and elected to serve on the Academy Board of Directors.

Jerger Future Leaders of Audiology Conference (JFLAC) Support Image (ESBfizkes/shutterstock.com)

Where Are JFLAC Graduates Now?

The Leadership Development Committee caught up with past graduates of JFLAC to answer the age-old question: where are they now? Find out what past graduates have been up to and how their experiences from the conference put them on a path of leadership.

“Attending JFLAC imparted the value and necessity of national volunteers who reflect the “average” clinical audiologist. JFLAC taught me that I had potential to be a leader and provided me with tools and opportunities to develop skills to seek new challenges for the second half of my career.”

Brenna Carroll, AuD
JFLAC Class of 2010

“The relationships built during JFLAC make me excited to attend conventions each year, they engage me in the Academy, they push me to stretch farther and do more for my profession, but most importantly they encourage me to keep working because our future is brighter if we work collectively and collaboratively.”

Jessica Messersmith, PhD
JFLAC Class of 2018

"It is hard to believe that I attended over a decade ago, and am happy that this program continues to recruit passionate audiologists and help train them to assume leadership positions within the academy and also their careers.”

Bre Myers, AuD, PhD
JFLAC Class of 2012



Conference History

Recognizing the need to develop future leaders of the profession of audiology, Academy leadership launched the Future Leaders of Audiology Conference (FLAC) in September 2008. The conference has been held biennially since that time and was renamed in 2012 to honor the leadership of one of the Academy’s founders and its first president, Dr. James Jerger.