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CE Provider Registration Fees

Application Fee: $275

State Academies Application Fee: $225

This is a one-time fee for all NEW CE providers in addition to the annual registration fee. If you are a new CE provider, you must submit a CE Provider Annual Registration Form along with payment for this and the annual fee. If you are unsure of your Academy status, contact the Academy.

Annual Registration Fee: $300

State Academies Annual Registration Fee: $250

This fee is due every year (and is based on the calendar year) at the time your first Program Approval Form is submitted. Payment must be submitted with the CE Provider Annual Registration Form.

CE Provider Course Fee (billed twice yearly)

The CE provider course fee is based on a per course fee (see link below). CE providers will be billed twice a year (July and January) based on the number of courses approved/offered during the six-month period–January 1 to June 30 and July 1 to December 31, respectively.

A course is defined as an approved specific offering, on a specific date, at a specific location. Example: If an approval form was submitted for various dates and locations, each course offering will be counted individually. Ongoing online/text courses will be counted based on the number of program report forms submitted. An approved course that is canceled and/or not offered for any reason will still count as an offering. Click on the year for current CE provider fees.

  • Courses offered In-person will be billed based on event date.
  • Courses offered Online/Live will be billed based on the event date.
  • Courses offered as a Hybrid with both in-person attendees and live/online attendees will count as two offerings and be billed as two course offerings. CE Providers must submit two participant lists and Academy transcripts will reference either the physical location for in-person or online for live/online offerings.
  • Courses offered in two or more formats to the same participants such as in person with a portion of self-study (online webinars or text) will be counted as one offering and one participant list must be submitted. The course end date and the location of the in-person portion will appear on the transcript.
  • Courses offered both Online/Live then Online/On-Demand will count as two offerings and be billed as two-course offerings. The first offering with the dates of the Online/Live event and the second offering for the on-demand period.
  • For courses offered Online/On-Demand for extended periods beyond 30 days, such as for a calendar year, participant lists must be submitted monthly (up to 12x’s per year) or quarterly (up to 4x’s per year). This is based on the course end date or the duration the course is offered on the Provider’s website. CE Providers will be billed for the total offerings, depending on the reporting frequency. Providers must be able to capture individual completion dates for each attendee, for any courses offered longer than 30 days.

Application Late Fees

An application that is submitted 30 days prior to the start of the course will not be charged a late fee. No course applications will be accepted four days prior to the start of the course.

The late fee calculation starts the day after the Provider submits their course. If the 30 days count includes or falls on the start date, a late fee will be charged.

  • Late Program Application fee ($210) – Submitted 16-29 days prior to start of course*
  • Expedited Late Program Application fee ($310) – Submitted 4-15 days prior to start of course

*In order to avoid a late fee, please calculate the days so that your course is submitted at least one day prior to the start of your course date. Please take into account shorter months.

Please submit your course at least 4 days before the start date for course approval. Otherwise, the Academy cannot guarantee course approval if your course information is received less than 4 days out.

Tier 1 Application Fee

  • Tier 1 Application fee ($160) – Any course applying for Tier 1 CEUs must pay this fee
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