The career of Larry Humes has shown a consistent dedication to research that is of the highest caliber and is reflective of the research commitment demonstrated by Dr. Jerger. Beginning with an undergraduate degree from Purdue University and a Master’s degree from Central Michigan, Dr. Humes completed his PhD at Northwestern University in 1979. After spending 8 years at Vanderbilt University, Dr. Humes went to Indiana University and has remained there until today. To say that Dr. Humes has been prolific in publishing important articles in audiology would be an understatement. He has published over 140 journal articles, chapters, book, and reviews and given over 200 presentations throughout the world. The high quality of his research has been recognized and supported by external funding agencies, with over 24 research grants. He was the recipient of an NIH Research Career Development Award from 1984-1989 and has been the Principal Investigator on an individual investigator award from the National Institute on Aging of the National Institute of Health since 1990.
The areas of research that have occupied Dr. Humes can be described as broad and clinically relevant. Those most important include susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss, psychoacoustic abilities of hearing-impaired listeners, innovations in hearing aid fitting, hearing disabilities of the elderly, and modeling hearing aid fitting outcomes. An example of his thorough approach is evident in his work with the elderly, where he has carefully partialed out the contributions of sensory impairment, processing limitations of the central auditory nervous system, and cognitive decline to derive a comprehensive explanation of the older listener’s speech understanding problems in everyday listening situations.
In addition to his own research efforts, Dr. Humes has mentored many graduate students during his years at Indiana University, who describe his efforts as a research advisor as tireless and his assistance unequaled. Others have also recognized Dr. Humes’ work, as he has received two Editor’s Award (JSHR and AJA), numerous awards from professional associations, and visiting professorships. In addition, he has served as a consultant to major government funding agencies such as the NIH and the Veterans Administration, as well as an editorial consultant to all of the major audiology journals.
For nearly 30 years Dr. Humes has consistently contributed to the body of literature in Audiology with important publications and presentations. His accomplishments have been carried out in his typical quiet and humble manner and should be a role model for all aspiring Audiology researchers.