By Doris Gordon
This article is a part of the July/August 2017, Volume 29, Number 4, Audiology Today issue. The second annual Clinical Education Forum was held April 8, 2017, in Indianapolis during AudiologyNOW! This year, ACAE jointly collaborated with the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD) in planning the program. A task force from both organizations spent the fall of 2016 and first quarter of 2017 proposing a diversified program that would be relevant to audiology students in clinical education. As a result, the four-hour morning session was entitled, “Student Immersion Experiences: Different Perspectives on Current Challenges and Successes.” Lisa Hunter, PhD, chair, ACAE, and Ann Eddins, PhD, vice president for academic development, CAPCSD, moderated the program. The first hour and a half was devoted to comments by students. A presentation was made by Joshua Huppert, doctoral student in audiology and president of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA). He reviewed the SAA’s important survey conducted in 2015 to students throughout the United States who were involved in the application process for their externship experience. An analysis of the 245 responses received included five categories: Qualities of a Good Externship; University Requirements and Support; Applying to Placements; Strengths of the Current Process; and Weaknesses of the Current Process. Following Joshua’s remarks, he was joined by a second doctoral audiology student, Madison Saunders, from the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA), for an interview about their externship experiences led by Mark DeRuiter, PhD, president-elect, CAPCSD. Dr. DeRuiter’s questions focused on some of the challenges and successes that the students faced during their experiences. Joshua and Madison provided candid and illuminating perspectives of what they hoped to find and what they found throughout their externship.
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