In 2021-2022, the American Academy of Audiology and the American Board of Audiology commissioned a practice analysis for pediatric and general audiology. The practice analysis provided the requisite information to maintain an updated content outline for the Pediatric Audiology Specialty Certification (PASC) examination, as well as to inform resource and policy development relative to various aspects of audiology practice.
The Academy contracted with an external psychometric consultant with experience in conducting a practice analysis. Over the year, the consultant directed two distinct work groups to develop survey instruments and finalize activity statements that describe current general audiology practice and current pediatric audiology practice.
The Academy appointed panels of experts (POE) to compose each workgroup with attention to selecting individuals who represent a variety of years in practice, practice roles, and settings. These individuals committed to providing over 30 hours of volunteer service to develop the survey instruments used for the practice analysis and subsequent evaluation of data. Beyond their own expertise, the POEs engaged in document review, interviews, and extensive meetings to develop a list of tasks, rating scales, and demographic questions used in the survey of audiologists.
After the POEs drafted the task statements, the Academy conducted an initial pre-test of the survey before widespread distribution and collection of data over five weeks. The POEs reviewed the survey data and all feedback regarding the frequency, importance, and comprehensiveness of the task statements before finalizing their work.
The 2022 General Audiology Practice Analysis Executive Summary provides a high-level description of the study and includes a list of the six domains of practice and 118 activity statements that describe general audiology practice.
The ABA is using the results of the pediatric practice analysis to inform the blueprint of the Pediatric Audiology Specialty Certification (PASC) examination beginning in spring 2023. The practice domains and knowledge/task statements can be found in the PASC Candidate Handbook (pages 19-21).
The presentation “Audiology Practice Patterns: Dissecting the 2022 Practice Analysis Survey” will be in the Future Hub at AAA 2023+HearTECH Expo on Friday, April 21, 12:15-1:15 pm, to discuss the survey fundings and the general audiology activity statements.
Project Participants
Psychometric consultant: Anne Wendt, RN, MSN, CAE, PMP, Meaningful Measurement, Inc.
General Audiology Panel of Experts:
Carrie Meyer, AuD, ABA Certified
Erin Miller, AuD, ABA Certified
Tracy Murphy, AuD
Devon Weist, AuD
Pediatric Panel of Experts:
Erin Whitely Adkins, AuD, ABA Certified, PASC
Jennifer Drohosky, AuD, ABA Certified, CISC, PASC
Rebecca Matsche, AuD, PASC
Shelley Moats, AuD, PASC
Lindsay Shroyer, AuD, PASC
Stephanie Williams, AuD, ABA Certified, PASC
Project Staff: Andrew Stafford and Kitty Werner
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