ONLINE FEATURE | The Results Are In: 2020 Member Survey on the Utilization of Tele-Audiology Among Audiologists
Our discussion of telehealth and the field of audiology has mainly focused on patient care, however just as our clinical practice has changed, the education we are providing to audiology students must change as well. With more evidence supporting the need for expanded telehealth services, audiology students will need to gain experience in this area.
Hearing Wellness for the Music Professional
Professional ears need an audiologist, just as everyone else needs a dentist. Audiologists are experts in hearing wellness and can help music professionals maintain and use their sense of hearing to its full extent.
Dizziness Symptom Profile: Development and Applications
The Dizziness Symptom Profile (DSP) is a 31-item self-report tool designed to be completed by patients, in paper form or online. Appropriate use of the DSP should help improve diagnosis and lead to improved management.
Interprofessional Care in Patients Post-Concussion: Vision and Vestibular Considerations
Increasing interprofessional care and keeping a patient-centered approach will lead to better outcomes for patients. Adding bedside/office convergence screening tests to the vestibular evaluation in the post-concussion population may identify and justify referrals for more comprehensive optometric evaluations.
COVID-19 and Its Impact on Hearing, Balance, and Auditory Processing
This article serves as a quick guide for audiological understanding, management, and counseling of COVID-19 survivors.
ON TREND | Let’s “Talk” About Streamlining with IMC2
Inter Module Communication—Protocol 2 (IMC2) is the new Hearing Instrument Manufacturers’ Software Association (HIMSA) standard for integration between hearing aid fitting and real-ear modules, allowing fitting and measurement modules to “talk” to each other directly. Instead of learning and working in two software programs, you can verify hearing instrument fitting directly from within the hearing aid fitting software—streamlining the fitting and verification process.
CODING AND REIMBURSEMENT | Coding and Coverage for Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential Testing
The American Academy of Audiology (Academy) Coding and Reimbursement Committee (CRC) has received feedback from members regarding the lack of Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing.
AUDIOLOGY ADVOCATE | Empowering Audiology Student Advocates: Making Connections, Fostering Leadership, and Ensuring the Future of the Profession
To ensure the continued success and viability of any profession, it is critical that individuals entering the field are aware of legislative and regulatory issues that may be impeding day-to-day practice. It is equally as important that such future practitioners are well versed in potential “fixes” or solutions that may be employed and are being advanced by the professional association to remove barriers.