We LOVE Our Volunteers!
Volunteers are integral to the Academy's success. They do the work needed to accomplish our strategic goals and move the profession forward.
Read on to learn more about volunteering with the Academy, apply for currently available opportunities, and access additional volunteer resources.
Questions about volunteering? Email Hannah Mahieu.
Volunteer FAQs

"The most gratifying effect of volunteering has been the way it has shrunk my audiology world; I have been able to get to know audiologists from around the country, to learn what drives them, what concerns them, the way their practices are like and different from my own."
Volunteer Opportunities
Below are the Academy volunteer opportunity applications. A brief overview of each committee is available within each application for your reference. Any council/committee/subcommittee that is not listed, is no longer accepting applications. Have questions about the application(s)? Contact us.
Cultivate a welcoming environment that values diversity of people and perspectives by joining one of our advocacy-related committees.
Membership Engagement
Create a sense of community among Academy members by joining one of our membership engagement and leadership development committees.
Professional Development
Enhance member utilization of and increase engagement in Academy educational and voluntary certification opportunities by joining one of our professional development committees.
Clinical and Scientific Excellence in Audiology
Drive the development of needed strategic documents for the profession, and collaborate with other associations and funding agencies to incentivize progress toward identified strategic research priorities by joining one of our scientific advisory and external relations committees.