Reaching out to primary physicians in your community can be a powerful way to increase patient referrals. Here are some ideas to consider:
- Meet face-to-face. It is important to personally deliver your service model to the physicians in your community. This helps establish rapport and instill confidence in your professionalism and expertise. Personally meeting physicians can help them gain trust in your ability to provide comprehensive hearing healthcare.
- Have a strong brand image and marketing practice. If you are able, work with a marketer to develop your brand image. Focus on the care you wish to provide and the expertise you possess. Utilize the various outlets of social media to build your brand presence. Including your web address and social media handles in your brochures will help physicians find you and your practice.
- Determine a communication schedule to build and maintain your relationship with physicians. Following your initial meeting with the physician, consider how frequently you wish to touch base. Occasional communication will help build and maintain this relationship. More frequent communication may be necessary initially. Your communication schedule should also include a formal way to thank and acknowledge the physician for referrals you receive.