Neil DiSarno, PhD, was passionate about hearing and balance care and he was especially passionate about supporting the people who provide this care.
Dr. DiSarno became chair of the Department of Communication Science and Disorders at Missouri State University in 1998 after practicing in Alaska, New Zealand, New York State, and Canada.
In 2012, Dr. DiSarno joined the American Speech-Hearing-Language Association (ASHA) where he focused on issues important to audiology. Most recently, his overarching goal focused on aligning the various audiology groups in order to achieve more for the profession.
In this past year, he was part of making this happen as the ASHA, Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA), and the American Academy of Audiology came together on joint legislation that will move the field of audiology forward.
We all appreciate Dr. DiSarno’s efforts to support audiologists and our thoughts are with his family at this time.
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