Perceived Hearing Difficulty and Pure-Tone Audiometry
This article provides a summary of the study by de Gruy et al (2023). Applying a simple data-driven analysis, 15 dB HL is established as a reasonable fence for pure-tone audiometry for identifying perceived hearing difficulty. The findings also show limitations in the diagnostic accuracy of pure-tone audiometry in identifying perceived hearing difficulty and support the need for considerations beyond pure-tone audiometry.
The Need for a Standardized Audiological Protocol for Patients with Misophonia
Misophonia is defined as a condition in which specific stimuli cause a strong negative emotional, physiological, and behavioral response in an individual. Despite the recent consensus definition for misophonia, there is now a significant need for translational research in audiology aimed at developing diagnostic criteria for patients suffering from misophonia.
No Bones About It
Bone conduction testing has been a part of the audiometric test battery since the 1920s (Jones and Knudsen, 1924). However, in our experience, there remains some variance in how bone conduction testing is performed and documented in clinics, leading to confusion for students and sometimes mistrust among professionals. Over the years, the divergence between textbook instructions and clinical practice has remained.
Academy Research Conference 2023: Next-Generation Inner-Ear Therapies—Summaries
This virtual conference provided an opportunity for interactions between scientists and clinicians regarding common causes of hearing loss and the status of experimental intervention efforts. This article provides summaries of each presentation.
OPINION EDITORIAL | ACEN: Not Right Here, Right Now
To some extent, the Audiology Clinical Education Network is appealing for all involved in the externship process. Even so, it is our opinion that joining ACEN may not be the right decision for all externship sites at this time.
AUDIOLOGY ADVOCATE | Hearing Aids and Insurance Coverage: A Shifting Landscape
The insurance coverage of hearing aids continues to be an evolving situation marked by varying approaches taken by public and private payers. The addition of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids also has added another layer of complexity to the market for consumers and payers alike, and decisions surrounding insurance coverage are mixed. This article presents the current state of play regarding the major payers and coverage of hearing aids.
ON TREND | Remote Programming for Your CI Patients
Patients with cochlear implant (CI) often have difficulty getting to their appointments if they must travel long distances or navigate mobility issues and busy schedules. The cost and difficulty of travel makes receiving timely care for their hearing needs challenging.
ON TREND | Audiology Externships: Examples of Successful Experiences
Open communication, strong collaboration, and a deep-seated desire for learning are foundational to effective supervisor-extern relationships in audiology. These externships and ongoing mentorships not only cultivate a sense of achievement among seasoned audiologists but significantly enhance the learning curve for newcomers to the audiology field.